Complete Bathroom Renovations

Bathtubs Does Your Bathroom Need One

Do you really need a bathtub? Surprisingly, we get this question quite a lot, so we decided to put some information in this article to help you make your decision when completing bathroom renovations or building a new house.

Below are some questions you should ask yourself when considering whether your house needs a bath or not –we have also included our reasoning behind each one.

Do You Use a Bath Regularly Now?

Well, do you? Most people don’t use a bath on a weekly or even monthly basis and will only make use of it once a year as a random relaxation activity. Not including a bath could save you money but you also need to think of the future before committing to a bathless house!

Will You Need a Bath in the Future?

Right now a bath may seem like a pointless addition to your bathroom, but remember to think ahead. Do you plan on having children? If yes, life without a bath could prove difficult.

List as many reasons as you can think of that you may need a bath for in the future, this will help you decide if it is worth including it in your new bathroom.

Do you Plan on Selling Your Property?

Another aspect to consider when thinking of the future and deciding whether your bathroom requires a bathtub is if you plan on selling (as far ahead in the future that may be). A lot of potential home buyers will be families or young couples about to start a family and a bathtub could be a significant item to them when deciding on a house.

What Do You Think About Including a Bath?

After reading through the points made in the article, how are you feeling about a bathtub? Trust yourself – you know your needs better than anyone else and are the only one who can make the decision. Remember to do your research as well – this article acts only as a guide from our experience with bathtubs and bathroom renovations.

If you would like any further assistance or want to discuss bathroom renovations with our expert team, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us! Call Complete Bathroom Renovations on 0417072278 or fill out our contact form.